Thursday, December 8, 2011

An excellent blog post "The Top 10 countries with the most malicious networks" over at CountryIPBlocks has re-analyzed this list of data with interesting statistics. This original list claims the US is the biggest offender of malicious networks. This list was sorted by order of the countries with the largest NUMBER OF SPAM EMAILS.
  1. United States
  2. China
  3. Russia
  4. United Kingdom
  5. Germany
  6. Japan
  7. Brazil
  8. Romania
  9. Ukraine
  10. Turkey

Unfortunately, these results are skewed by not explaining that there is a greater per capita incidence of Intnet connected individuals. The brilliant people at discovered that the ratio of NUMBER OF INFECTED NETWORKS to THE AMOUNT OF SPAM is probably the more accurate consideration. That re-adjusted Top 10 list looks like this:

Here are the results based on percentage of infected networks:
  1. Brazil 89%
  2. Turkey 54%
  3. Romania 39%
  4. China 32%
  5. Russia 11%
  6. United Kingdom 11%
  7. Japan 10%
  8. Ukraine 9%
  9. Germany 6%
  10. United States 6%

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