A recent popular Trojan that took account passwords from a famous technical blog site, Gawker.com has been a focus of geek attention.
The UK paper called The Telegraph also wrote about the 25 weakest passwords in use today. These accounts at Gawker were broken into because of weak passwords.
Hackers have been showing more and more interest in breaking into web accounts like Gmail, Hotmail.com, Comcast.net, Live.com, Twitter.com, Ffacebook.com, etc.
While Gmail has released something called 2 step verification as an EXCELLENT option for your Google Account, most other sites are still not doing this.
For a sanity check there are some reliable and trustworthy web sites you can use to test your existing passwords; to see how strong they are. These great sites let you know if your password is strong enough for today's web:
Microsoft Password Strength CheckerFor creating a very complicated password, consider using Steve Gibson’s Password Generator Webpage
How Secure Is My Password?
The Password Meter
our favorite Steve Gibson Password Haystack Webpage
This is so importnat that we have now published this on both blogs.
- credits to lifehacker.com and grc.com !